Give Me More Pleeeeze

I am out of control.  Who knew sex could be so freakin hot and passionate.  Yes it’s hot with hubby but c’mon that’s married sex. 😆 Having single men vying for my time to have sex with me is still new to me.  It doesn’t matter how long I’ve been fucking guys.  I actually hope that it never gets “normal” as my husband says.

I have been feeling sexy too.  I never felt this way before.  I think women never really think they are as attractive or sexy as others say they are.  Maybe that’s why women have affairs.  I mean if a guy keeps telling a girl how good she looks or how sexy she is and a guy starts to really take notice then I would certainly try to look my best for him.

I’m sure that is how an affair starts off.  Sure glad my husband has always told me I’m sexy, I just never believed it until now.

I feel more confident also and self assured.  People make girls feel bad if they dress sexy (that was me) or want to be desired.  We start feeling like a slut (negative) and feel unworthy.   Screw that.  I’m sexy and my husband has convinced me that I should feel sexy and alluring.